
Animalismo Teatro | Theatre

$10,000 of $10,000 Raised

71 Generous Donors

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We are Animalismo Teatro, an independent and unfunded Uruguayan based theatre company, that works as an ensemble for the research and creation of shows rooted in different styles, genres and theatrical resources, mostly physical.

In March 2020, just a week before the first lockdown, we arrived in New Zealand carrying dreams of performing our show "Habbuk" in this beautiful country.

We got luckily trapped in Aotearoa and as it happened to the rest of the world, we have had to change our plans once and again. However, we need to keep on dreaming and we need to dream big!

Bearing in mind that it is mandatory for the company to return to Uruguay in 2021, we want to present our show "Habbuk" in Wellington and Auckland before we go. It's all we can ask! 

We are now proud to say that we will be touring New Zealand starting in Auckland on the Rangatira stage at Q Theatre on February 19th and 20th, and then we will travel to Wellington to be at Bats Theatre from 12th to 17th of March.

A synopsis of the story

This is a story of survival placed in a symbolic reality. Emma and Gushma must traverse a world transformed by chaos, finding shelter in the complicity of their love. They make their own world of fantasy to sidestep the more difficult circumstances, traversing a path of transformation and acceptance that will lead them to a new everyday life. "Habbuk" represents the desire to give back to life it's more human side.

In this show we invite the audience to connect directly with their perceptions and emotions; to enhance their imagination and capacity for suggestion; to feel before they think. An invented language is spoken in the show, so no matter where you are from or which language you speak, the show has been devised for you.

Why your support is needed:

We brought as much as we could with us from Uruguay (more things for the show traveled in our suitcases than our personal stuff), however, the bigger parts of the set had to stay.

The money raised in this campaign will go to help cover the costs associated with production design (set, costumes & props), for rehearsal space in both Auckland and Wellington, transport from Auckland to Wellington, and back (not only for us, we need to transport our set as well!)

Whichever amount you can give to this project is greatly appreciated; and please share the link with your friends and whānau to help us spread the word. 

If you'd like to know more about the company and the work we do, jump over to our website here, send us an email, or give us a call. 

Thank you so much for being part of this dream! 

Nati, Sofi, Alex and everyone from Animalismo Teatro back in Uruguay.



Somos Animalismo Teatro una compañía de teatro físico con base en Uruguay. Trabajamos en forma de ensamble para la investigación y creación de espectáculos a partir de diferentes estilos, géneros y herramientas teatrales, predominantemente físicas.

En marzo del 2020, justo una semana antes del primer lockdown, llegamos a Nueva Zelanda cargando con el gran sueño de representar aquí a nuestra obra "Habbuk".

Llenos de incertidumbres tuvimos que cambiar y adaptar nuestros planes una y otra vez a una realidad muy distinta a la que esperabamos, pero teníamos que seguir soñando y en Animalismo soñamos en grande! 

Teniendo en cuenta que debemos regresar a Uruguay este año, presentar Habbuk en Wellington y Auckland es todo lo que podemos pedir! 

Y con mucho orgullo y el pecho inflado de felicidad podemos anunciar que seremos parte del “Summer At Q Festival” presentando Habbuk en la sala Rangatira del teatro Q el 19 y 20 de febrero, y del “Wellington Fringe Festival” en el Teatro Bats del 12 al 17 de marzo. 

Synopsis de la obra:

Habbuk es una historia de supervivencia que se sitúa en una realidad simbólica. Emma y Gushma se ven obligados a transitar los escenarios de un mundo transformado por el caos. Ajenos a todo lo que sus ojos puedan reconocer encontrarán refugio en la complicidad de su amor. Crearán su propio mundo de fantasía para sortear las situaciones más difíciles recorriendo un camino de transformación y aceptación que los llevará a una nueva cotidianidad. Habbuk representa el deseo de devolverle a la vida su lado más humano.

En esta obra invitamos a la audiencia a conectar directamente con su percepción, y emotividad; potenciar su imaginación y su capacidad de sugestión. A sentir antes de pensar. Este es un idioma que nadie conoce pero que todos entienden. Sin importar de donde seas, Habbuk fue creado para vos. 

¿Por qué necesitamos tu apoyo?:

Trajimos de Uruguay tanto como pudimos (en nuestras valijas viajaron más cosas de la obra que cosas personales), pero lo grande se tuvo que quedar. 

El dinero recolectado se destinará a cubrir costos de producción de diseño (escenografía, vestuario y utilería), lugar de ensayo (en Wellington y Auckland), transporte (Auckland - Wellington IyV), alojamiento, y publicidad impresa. 

Cualquier monto que puedan aportar hará una diferencia. Les agradecemos desde ya el apoyo que puedan brindarnos, difundiendo, compartiendo o donando. TODO SUMA! 

Para saber más de nosotros y lo que hacemos, los invitamos a visitar nuestra página web https://animalismoteatro.com/es/ y nuestras redes sociales en Instagram y Facebook.

También pueden escribirnos a animalismoteatro@gmail.com o al cel: 0212564812

Abrazo grande y miles de gracias por ser parte de este sueño! 

Nati, Sofi, Chancho y el resto del equipo de Animalismo Teatro que trabaja desde Uruguay. 

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  • Arriba Animalismo

  • Veronica Rivadeo

  • Brian Peel
  • Gabriel Brandolino

  • Anonymous

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Sofía is an actress and singer who graduated from the Multidisciplinary School of Dramatic Art: Margarita Xirgú (EMAD - Montevideo Uruguay - 2016) with a Bachelor of Performing Arts (Acting). She studied at SODRE National School of Lyric Art (ENAL) and with the teacher and lyrical singer Fernando Barabino.

She co-directs the theatre company Animalismo Teatro where she works as an actress, producer and has a creative role in the devising of the company's shows.

Sofía has participated in the first Nomadic School workshop held in Chile under the direction of Ariane Mnouchkine; an initiative presented and organised by the Teatro a Mil foundation (Chile), with the support of the French Institute in Chile, in alliance with Théâtre du Soleil (2015). 

As an actress she has been part of "Habbuk" (original play from Animalismo Teatro that has been performed in Uruguay and Canada), "Anina Yatay Salas" (directed by Fernando Amaral), "Enjambre" (directed by Fabián Santarciel de la Quintana in collaboration with Loes Van der Pligt), "Otros problemas de humanidad" (directed by Sebastián Calderón), "Bichos del Teatro" (directed by Lucía Sommer), and "2185" (directed by Diego Ayubí).

Most recently she collaborated with Sophie Lindsay, on The Story of Emilie – and Voltaire as an actor (written and directed by Lindsay).

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