Dirty Dishes
Arka Gupta | Film
Match Donors
Each donation made will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to their matching amount.
Bayleys Palmerston North
Is matching up to $2,200
Connecting Threads Films
present the short motion picture
"Dirty Dishes"
A film by Arka Gupta
Dirty Dishes is a heartfelt short film about a teenage boy re-evaluating the relationship with his single mother after he has a sudden encounter with his estranged father.
Dirty Dishes reflects upon the tender relationship of a single mother, Jane and her son, Max who has a deep-seated curiosity about his estranged father's identity. The script sees an evening of their lives when Max has a sudden encounter with his absentee father, George for the very first time.
Max finds himself at a crossroads first on having to choose between his mother and father but, makes a firm decision with who he wants to live as the conversation between him and George unfolds.
How this story will be filmed? The Tukanga
The development and writing of the script finished and sent to the cast in January 2022. Dirty Dishes has a stellar cast of five; all the actors on board have prior screen and/or stage acting experience, with several accolades and awards shared between them.
During the pre-production phase, we will have twelve rehearsals in total before filming commences. These rehearsals include setting up relationship dynamics, character immersion and scene blocking. We intend to film this in late April of this year, which brings us with the following:
How your support will help us? The Tautoko
It feels strange asking for help in these trying times.
However, we feel fortunate and are incredibly privileged to be able to work with a stunningly talented group of artists, predominantly based in the vibrant Aotearoa city of Palmerston North, who are dedicated towards bringing this story to life!
Our main aim is to honour the artists for their mahi and the skillset that they have brought here. We have applied to the Creative Community Scheme of Palmerston North City Council but with the success of this Boosted campaign, made possible by your kind donation, we will -
- Compensate everyone in the cast and crew with a set day rate.
- Acquire other necessary production staples and supplies, to add to what we have already. We are delighted to collaborate with our DoP, the talented Derrick Sims of Fabled Motion Picture, who will bring in his camera gear.
- Provide sustenance on filming days.
- Fund the post-production phase.
- Submit the film to top-tier festival circuit.
This Boosted campaign is an essential step for our production. We will sincerely appreciate any donation towards reaching this campaign's goal!
We can't wait to share this production journey of ours!
Meet our team:
We have a talented team of 21 artists, predominantly based in the vibrant city of Palmerston North. Here are the talented artists we feel privileged to work with:
Writer/Director/Producer - Arka Gupta
Cinematographer - Derrick Sims
Assistant Directors - Zak Rodgers and Natasha Melbye
Production Coordinator - Taryn Field
Production Designer - Aoraki Taonui
Sounds Mixer - Hugh Dingwall
Script Supervisor - Justin Ngai
Music Composer - Tommy Whitehouse
1st AC- Abby Koolard
2nd AC/DIT - Meshach Kirifi
Gaffer - Lawrence Chok
Boom Operator - Will Eddy
Key Grip - Aden Murtagh
Hair/Make-up - Dannielle Laws
Production Assistant - Arlo Macmillan
And our talented cast:
Zain Collins as Max
Ben Pryor as George
Jane Bennett as Jane
Cameron Dickons and Sam Wyss as Max's friends.
As an acknowledgment and a show of gratitude for donating, the team of Dirty Dishes wants to give something back! Every donor, unless anonymous, will get a special mention in the credits as a thank you! :)
Keep up to date with our production progress on our Facebook and Instagram.
Check out this insightful Stuff article about our film.
We are sincerely grateful to be able to embark on this journey. We would love for you to join in this journey of ours and make it reach its destination.
Every little bit will be of great help..
Every little bit will be sincerely appreciated..
Every little bit will be essential towards reaching that destination.
Ngā Mihi Maioha,
Dirty Dishes Production Team.
Why this story?
“Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are.”
~Dorothy Canfield Fisher
I have always had a strong knack towards writing relationship dramas and this time around, I wanted to write a story that captures the essence of motherly love of a protective mother-son relationship. However, Dirty Dishes is unique in the sense that it is told solely from the perspective of the son.
The mother is an invisible, though omnipresent character in the script, and her son’s journey is about recognising this presence, how she has never deserted him and why she has never spoken of his absentee father’s identity.
I now extend my arms towards receiving your kind donation, in order to transform this delicate story into the intricacy of heartfelt reel our Palmerstonian team will craft.
Ngā mihi maioha,
~ Arka Gupta ~
Project Updates
Dirty Dishes Exclusive Teaser
Thank you so much for the ongoing support to our Boosted campaign!
We are excited to present this exclusive teaser which was filmed and made during the ongoing pre-production phase. The cast performed a snippet from the script, showcasing the tone and a brief taste of the film. Our pre-production is in full-swing and we are looking forward to start filming in late April!
With your donation and the success of the campaign, we will be able to honour everybody in the team with honest wages for their awesome job! Also, upscale the production (we will be able to afford a proper two-seater couch instead of putting a blanket over two chairs for example) :)
Ngā mihi maioha,
DD Production team
Project Owner