A Slightly Isolated Dog | Multi Discipline

$4,020 of $4,000 Raised

45 Generous Donors

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We began developing our Brand-New Show last year and started workshops in February. Then Covid-19 hit and (like everyone else) all our plans got derailed. We had to cancel over 2 months of touring around Australia and an extensive workshopping period. Edinburgh got cancelled and the world has been turned upside down.

We are excited as things start to get better in NZ and the possibilities of having a live show return. But this is still a while away, and we also miss all of you lovely people around the world that we won’t get to see again or meet this year.

So, help us adapt the process to create A SLIGHTLY ISOLATED DOG’S BRAND-NEW (VIRTUAL) SHOW. We need a bit of help to create the show virtually, then we will make it into a live version and bring that to you, when it’s safe, wherever you are in the world. 

And we want to work with you to create this new show together!

Following the success of DON JUAN & JEKYLL & HYDE we are developing our third piece in the trilogy. These explosive & hilarious works use a cast of faux-French performers to create a joyful interactive celebration. Theatrical magic, wicked pop songs & explosive wit is combined to create a delightful romp through a twisted classic tale, where you, the audience plays along.

We will bring this same interactivity we have in our theatre shows into the virtual creation process & performance. So, A SLIGHTLY ISOLATED DOG’S BRAND-NEW (VIRTUAL) SHOW! (working title) will premiere later this year. But this is not just another theatre show that has been shoved into an online format. We want you to help us find the story for the show, and then respond to videos and other material that we make online and help us develop that material. And for those of you who are keen to play – we want to you help us make virtual content for the show!

All of this work will be revised to become a virtual theatre performance. This performance will use the same imagination, playfulness, & theatricality from our shows while adjusting to utilise online media in innovative ways. And then, when it’s safe for us to perform live, we will adapt this material into a brand-new live show that we will bring to you.

But all this takes a lot of time. We’ve raised most of the money we need for the project through generous grants from Wellington City Council, our beautiful patron Brian Steele of Shoreline Partners, and donations from so many other gorgeous people like you. But we need just a little more help to cover all the costs. Mostly it takes a lot of time and all of our company have suffered financial losses from the Covid-19 Crisis. So, anything you can give will help pay our artists to create this new work for you.

And take part in the process by following us on Facebook @aslightlyisolateddog https://www.facebook.com/aslightlyisolateddog

Or follow us on Twitter @slightlyisolated

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  • Emily Ward

  • yvette owen

    love this group

  • Taylor C

  • Mayumi Tani

    I laughed so hard.. When can I see you in theatre again? The wait is too looong!

  • Pru and Graeme Dryburgh Aitken

    Very funny. Very clever.

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