The Artwonk Podcast

Neville Parker | Multi Discipline

$2,505 of $5,100 Raised

15 Generous Donors

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Ask yourself a few simple questions...


Why do so many Artists and Crafts People struggle to access practical and relevant business advice for a creative based enterprise?


Why is art marketing such a minefield for so many?


And why, when there are so many artists making amazing high quality work does the starving artist concept still persist?


Why aren’t art schools teaching entrepreneur ship when there are no job prospects for art graduates?


And the answer?... Most Art Marketing and Business advice is produced by people who don't know what it is like to be an artist or to run a creative enterprise and art schools teach art not business.




The Artwonk Podcast is an Arts Marketing podcast all about the business of being an visual artist or crafts person in todays markets. We look at practical advice on as diverse a range of topicals as ‘ How the Art World Works’ to ‘ How to Open Your Own Gallery’. The goal of the podcast is to cover the often overlooked everyday subjects of a being self employed artist. Things like how to price your work. How to negotiate a Public commission. Where to go to get bulk supplies or why one position is better than another in a gallery. Or how to formulate a marketing plan ... and so on.


Artwonk presenter Neville Parker has 26 years experience as a working artist and Gallery owner/art dealer in Aotearoa. Neville has represented literally hundreds of artists and sold art in many different environments from ‘Fine Art Galleries” to “Craft Shows”. His experience along with his extensive contact list of informed art professIonals is where the Artwonk really makes a difference.


’Real life practical knowledge and experience willingly shared’, is our mission statement.


So why do we need from help from YOU?


In keeping with a philosophy of supporting and celebrating professional standards and skills we hope to raise funds to hire or purchase...


A recording suit (mixing board/microphone set )This will enable us to add high quality interviews to our podcast. Making available quality interviews with art professionals willing to share their knowledge and offer help to those wishing to grow their are businesses. With the right tech we can interview Gallery, Studio and Community professionals from around Aotearoa and from around the world to find out the how’s and why’s behind why some Artists succeed in getting into their establishment’s and why others don't.


The Artwonk has a web address but we need to hire a stenographer to transfer the information from our shows into written form so people can access accurate show notes and reference materials.


We wish to hire a web designer to make the site user friendly. Ensuring the visiting artist can easily find answers and resource help for their creative needs.


This is how our budget breaks down:  total needed is $5100


$1500 for tech

$1600 for stenographer

$2000 for website design


Artwonk is dedicated to informing and supporting the concept of professional growth and development. That is why we wish to hire professionals to help us develop this project.


The Artwonk is all about helping make our creative community stronger. We are committed to providing those artists and crafts people and Artropreneurs who wish to succeed, access to good, sound business advice in podcast form when and where they need it.


To listen to the Artwonk podcast, check it out on Anchor, Apple or Spotify.

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  • jeff Lockhart

  • Di Tocker

    This is such a valuable resource to so many!

  • Tai Lake

  • Bruce Fergus

    This needs to happen!

  • Anonymous

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