Sparrow’s final chapter at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Sophie Sparrow | Music
Match Donors
Each donation made will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to their matching amount.
Rachael La Pine and Matt Quinn
Is matching up to $500
My name is Sophie Sparrow and I'm an opera singer from Whangarei, Northland. Since September 2018 I have been training towards a Master of Performance at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, UK, under the tutelage of Yvonne Kenny and Marcus van den Akker. This Boosted campaign will assist in raising the remaining funds towards my final tuition instalment of my Masters at the Guildhall School.
Where have I been?
I have spent the past 18 months in London. During my time at the Guildhall School I have performed in song concerts ranging from Debussy to the American Song Book at venues such as Wigmore Hall and the Barbican Hall. Alongside song recitals I have performed in various opera scenes and premiered two new works by Daniel Davis’, “Remembering the Future” at Wigmore Hall and “Tell me again the music of that Tale” (shown in the video) at Milton Court Concert Hall. In May last year I also made my German debut at the Maulbronn Monastery Music Festival.
Why now?
Like many others in the Arts Industry, the past few months, and my foreseeable future plans have been extremely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. While this is the final term of my Master of Performance, due to the closure of school and all face-to-face teaching, I returned to NZ where I am currently completing this term. Everything is online - lessons, coachings, movement and drama classes, and specialised lectures.
This Boosted project is to help raise the remaining funds towards my final tuition instalment of my Master of Performance. I have been fortunate enough to have received a portion of this tuition payment from the Countess of Munster Musical award, which is a trust based in the UK. However, my remaining funding has fallen through due to COVID-19.
Where to next?
In September this year I will join one of nine singers chosen for the Royal Academy of Music Opera Programme in London. The programme is a two year course designed to prepare young singers for the demands of the opera industry. During this programme I will perform full roles in operas and continue working with world-class opera and song, language, and stagecraft specialists. I am extremely fortunate I to have been awarded a full tuition scholarship and a maintenance scholarship. I can't wait to start!
Join me on my journey!
Thank you for helping me continue my training and journey in London. Your continuing support is forever appreciated and I hope you enjoy this journey with me.
With love,
Sophie x
Christine Jackson
Proud to help you on your journey
Rachel Smith
Great to see a Whangarei girl kicking ass on the local and international stage.
Lewis Baker
Liam Henry-Davison
Whangarei represent! Go get it Sophie.
Project Updates
Over 50% - AMAZING, thank you!
We have reached 57% with 18 days left. That is amazing!
Thank you everyone that has supported this project.
And a huge thank you to the Arts Foundation for their support. They have been running an initiative where they match the first $1000 raised in a project. The Future Fund was set up to help artists during COVID-19. This fund has supported 100 projects over the past couple of months with a $1000 koha to kick start their crowdfunding campaign. This incredible generosity has really boosted my project off the ground!!
Please don't hesitate to drop me message on Facebook or Instagram, or send me an email if you have any questions about my project and singing journey!
Cheers, Sophie x
Project Owner

Sophie Sparrow
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