Mary and Me
Robyn Cotton | Literature
“Mary and Me” is the title of my manuscript for a novel that is about two women living with Parkinson’s disease two hundred years apart.
My purpose in writing this book is to provide another tool to raise awareness about Parkinson's disease and to inspire those affected by it to live positively despite the illness. The novel is in part autobiographical but written in a creative writing style, so it is an easy read while still being informative, thereby producing a resource that is accessible to more readers. I believe this fulfils a niche in the market that is not currently being served.
"Mary and Me" specifically targets newly diagnosed patients and their families, although initial feedback from reviewers of the draft manuscript is that it has wider appeal and would benefit those diagnosed with any chronic illness.
A synopsis of the story
Mary is a woman living in the early nineteenth century with Parkinson’s disease and Rose is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in the twenty-first century. Separated by two hundred years, their experiences are vastly different and reflect the change in attitudes and understanding of Parkinson's over time.
Rose’s story is inspired by the author’s own experience of living with Parkinson’s disease. Deeply personal and honest, it will take you on an emotional rollercoaster from the shock of diagnosis to hope and resilience. This journey illustrates the importance of choosing to respond positively to a life with this debilitating disease. "Mary and Me" provides a novel approach to unpacking the complex condition known as Parkinson’s disease and validates the mix of emotions that can follow the diagnosis for a progressive neurological disease that has no cure.
This book will be a must-read for all newly diagnosed sufferers and their families.
Why your help is needed
The money raised will go to help cover the costs associated with publishing this important work. All funds raised through this campaign will go towards editing, design, formatting, and printing costs, as well as the release in e-book format.
As the author, I intend to donate my time in writing this book and wish for all profit from book sales to go into Parkinson's projects that help those affected by the disease.
The manuscript has been critiqued by several reviewers, some of whom have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease themselves.
"Robyn’s gift to us all is that she has woven two stories together and created a kete in which to carry our shock, struggle, pain and most importantly, our hope that we all can and will have a bright future despite the Parkinson’s diagnosis. This approach to storytelling enables one to immerse yourself in the stories of two women, separated by centuries and seas, and yet, you recognise it as so much like your own."
- Andrew Bell, CEO Parkinson's New Zealand
"This book tells it like it is, but Robyn’s positivity shines through and I believe everyone with Parkinson’s MUST have the opportunity to read this book. It could be a life changer to People with Parkinson’s but also to anyone, to give them an understanding of not only the disease but how having a positive attitude can be of benefit to all."
- Sandie Jennins, PD patient.
"The Parkinson's community needs this book but so does a significant sector of the New Zealand public. For anyone who has been diagnosed with a progressively debilitating disease or facing issues that make life challenging, this book will be inspirational."
- Margaret Keam, Educator.
"I am particularly interested in the potential for the book to reassure and empower newly diagnosed patients as this is a group with specific needs best understood by those who have received a diagnosis themselves. Furthermore, as the number of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease continues to rise, this growing audience will require more resources and innovative approaches to reach them."
- Alanah Knibb, Science Communicator.
Robert Keam
Carolyn James
Jennifer Taylor
Peter Garelja
Knowledge is power. Kia kaha, Robyn!
Judith Tallon
Project Updates
Thank you!
Thank you to all my supporters for helping me achieve my goal. Because of your generosity, I have reached 100% of my fundraising target to get my manuscript published and will be able to give money from book sales to projects that will help those affected by Parkinson's disease. I cannot say enough how much I appreciate each one of you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I am aiming to launch the book in April to coincide with World Parkinson's Day.