Hittmen - Stage show development (Stage One)
Carl Homersham | Music
Hittmen are a group of young inspiring bucket drummers based in Tauranga, New Zealand. We regularly perform around Tauranga and Auckland, both with busking, and performing at community events and festivals.
We are about to start shooting a series of music videos early 2021. The purpose of these videos are to grow our social media awareness while planning our first ever Hittmen stage show.
We are asking for donations of up to 5k, to help purchase camera and sound recording gear, to produce top notch videos, which will in turn showcase the unique talent and skills of our our bucket drummers.
Why should you support us?
There is no other group in the country like us.
We stand out. We are unique. We have an epic, mesmerizing sound and stage presence.
Our plan is to raise the profile of this talented group, so that we can develop our stage show and go on tour before our students get caught up with school exams, as the move through the coming years.
Thank you, your support is hugely appreciated.
Please make sure you check out our social media channels and share this campaign with your networks.
View our Youtube channel here.
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