Don't Be Frank - The Web Series
Scott Flyger | Film
We the team of local 'yet to be made' web series 'Don't Be Frank' are reaching out for local support. We have a platform ready to show the series but in order to help secure funding we need a reasonable amount of 3rd party (that's you) investment. Let's show the nation how proud we are to support locally made shows... especially ones as funny as this.
What's the project about?
'Solo mum Sela has always dreamed of making films. When offered the producer role on a low budget zombie flick, Sela is introduced to the fraught world of director Frank ‘Capra’ Anthony and his team of misfits. Will she live to tell the tale?'
Yep, that's the story and its chock full of crazy, funny and highly questionable jokes. But if you're not afraid to get your craft beer a little frothy then this is the series for you.
Hit us hard and hit us BIG. We can take it. Along the way we'll get a few of the cast to say hello and introduce themselves to you along the way.
This is going to be fun!
The Team
Writer/director Nick Mclean knows what's funny. Thank Dog for that! At the helm throughout the filmmaking process he's our go to guy.
Producer Scott Flyger has been around the comedy traps for decades. He's wrangled productions large and small into smart and entertaining shows. He also has a BAFTA win in comedy so we'll let him stay.
Our Cast
Faletolu Fasi Sela - Just call her Sela. Bright as a button and class personified, this wonderful actor provides the backbone for the series.
Aaron Keown - Feisty councillors need a secondary income. Why he chose acting nobody knows. He's our Frank and frankly we're very pleased about that.
Tom Trevella - Grumpy but sweet. This board treading gem plays our DOP, cantankerous Keith. He may look like he'd steal your grandma but we're sure he'd give her back.
Shay Horay - This gingernut is a cracker for sure. Taking on the worst best leading man role of 'Toby'' is no mean feet. Yup, sit back and relax he's dunk him in your tea good.
As a production team we will look to employ up to 56 people plus provide business for a number of local small businesses.
This is a great opportunity to help out our creative whanau. Every little bit helps.
Should everything turn to custard, because in this environment we never know, we will use the funds to make a full episode for all of our supporters and fans. A little something to brighten up your covid coated day.
Raymond Lum
Jack Hope
Chris Asher
It's not much, but im keen to support in any way I can
Jenna Klosowski
Amazing effort so far!!
Kim Georgine
Great work, folks!
Project Updates
Frank's On Fire... Someone Put Him Out!!!
We hear from Aaron Keown who plays the role of Frank Anthony - the film’s narcissistic director. A role he was born to play. PS. he uses his own wardrobe.
Project Owner

Scott Flyger
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