Cloud of Unknowing
3rd Element | Multi Discipline
I am working on my first solo art exhibition, a contemporary installation, due to go up early Nov 2021 at the Refinery ArtSpace in Nelson.
It deals with thoughts of existence and that which is accepted as ‘real’. It's an observation on what we take to be true in relation to the existence of others and how we may act on this, without personal experience of the actuality of these others, in altruistic ways.
It is, ultimately, a celebration of being human.
That's the short version. What it really means, having had my project accepted to exhibit, is that I have an amazing opportunity to launch my artistic career, but I need help!
Who am I?
I am a mother and recent graduate with a Bachelor in Visual Art. Although I only graduated last year, I have been active on the local arts scene for the last decade, from group exhibitions to a music video and quite a few things in between. With my young person a bit older, I finally have the time and space to commit myself to my art and the ideas that bounce around in my head.
I have secured the support of a business-led coach, which will ensure that my business model is robust and sustainable in the long term. This gives me the outside support and expertise to design and develop the business side of my art practice further, with the objective of bringing in all requirements of business, to ensure that I am successful.
BUT... The short term financial strain if I try and cover it all myself may well see my career grounded before I've even had a chance to fly.
Any and all contribution you make will go directly towards covering the gallery fee and material, specifically for building the support structure.
What is this structure supporting and what is the actual work you ask? Good question!
Physically, the work consists of some 800 heads, made from fabric, that are suspended from a 'cloud' and anchored (sort of) by lead weights and rocks. It will measure approximately 2x5m and run from floor to ceiling.
It's pretty big.
The ideas it deals with are reflections on existence, in particular Descartes’ ideas around the body and mind as separate and, put in extension, my presumption of these traits in others as well as my questions around whether or not we can connect in a purely mindly manner. It looks at the ‘weight’ of individual existence in relation to the subjective self and examines our inter-connectivity on an individual, historical and global scale.
If you think this is something you would like to see come into existence, a work you would care to experience and a dream you think worthy of support, then I would love for you to make a donation*. Any and all amounts will be so appreciated.
Yours, as much as possible, truly,
Linda Dimitrievski
*All donations are liable for tax deduction.
Laurel Hilton
Melissa Berla
Whoops..this is the last bit
Melissa Berla
Last bit!!
Esther Hansen
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