Screaming Lynx LTD | Film

$1,505 of $1,500 Raised

23 Generous Donors

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Robert lives alone after his beloved wife Carol passed away a few years ago. On a normal cold winter day, after his son Chris and grandson visits, he decides to take a hot bath. Unfortunately, he slips when he steps into the bathtub and hit his head, seriously injuring himself. Robert tries everything he can think of to get him out of the situation, but he's too old and too weak to save himself. As a former doctor, Robert is aware of the damage that the slip has done to his head, and that he is probably going to die. Knowing that the earliest someone will find him will be too late to save him. Robert starts hallucinating...



While we are very lucky to be getting a lot of our equipment (and the gorgeous location!) for free, the film is self-funded and so it has a very tight budget. In order for it to reach its full potential, we are therefore reaching out for a bit of help.

The money from this campaign will mainly be going towards giving our amazing actors higher pay than the koha amount we are able to offer them on our current budget. We will also be renting some professional lighting equipment, and a van so we can move some furniture into the currently empty location.

Any donation you can offer us will be highly appreciated, as it all goes towards making this project a reality. Unless you prefer to remain anonymous, all contributors will be included in the end credits!



The film Bath (working title) is written and directed by Cora Gu, a recent MFA Film graduate from Victoria University. It is produced by independent film production company Screaming Lynx LTD, founded and run by Benjamin Geradts and Pernille "Penny" Himmelmoe in early 2019.


The multi-award-winning team behind Bath consists of a group of MFA graduates, who have all worked together on several projects in the past. They have experience with many different genres such as documentaries, horror, drama, sci-fi, comedy, and advertising.  

Cora Gu: Director and Scriptwriter

Cora is a Chinese-New Zealander filmmaker. She studied film and German at Victoria University of Wellington and University of Liverpool and has moved on to working on short films, documentaries, and advertisements. Cora also has a background in theatre and in the advertisement industry in overseas countries such as the U.K. and China. In addition to directing and scriptwriting, Cora also has experience as a producer, creative director, cinematographer, and a videographer.


Penny Himmelmoe: Producer, 1st AD, and Makeup Artist

Penny is one of the two co-directors of Screaming Lynx LTD. She is originally from Norway, but has lived in New Zealand since 2014. Penny is passionate about projects that are different, and that promote diversity and equality. With a background in theatre as well as film, Penny has dipped her toe into several roles on set and backstage but loves producing as it gives her the chance to help her friends realise their dreams and creative goals. 

Benjamin Geradts: Co-producer, Editor and Gaffer

Ben is the other co-director of Screaming Lynx LTD. He focused mainly on cinematography during his Film studies at Victoria University but has since begun specialising in colour grading and lighting. In the past year, Ben has directed multiple student short films and commercials. His recent internship experience with Film Convert also enhanced his knowledge as a colourist and cinematographer.

Shreyas Beltangdy: Director of Photography

Originally from India, Shreyas moved to New Zealand last year to study the MFA in Film at Victoria. Before then, Shreyas had already been working professionally as a film editor and creative consultant in his hometown Mumbai, India from 2007 to 2017. After short stints in writing, documentary and tv production, he studied filmmaking at the Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbai in 2007. He has worked on a number of short films, as well as feature films.

Jimi Plaksin:
Sound recordist and sound designer

Jimi Plaksin is an Audio Engineer in the greater Wellington Region. His background is primarily in orchestral recording however transitioned into film during 2016. He also composes music, and enjoys creating thematic sound design.


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  • Emil Hansen Kulsvehagen

  • Jiarong Wu

  • Stacey King

  • Jiarong Wu

  • Rose Patterson

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