Steve Abel New Recording Project
Steve Abel | Music
"Abel is a refined writer whose lyrics have a bone-bare quality - the sound of someone writing and singing from a place where there is no guile, just hard truth and clear eyes."
- Graham Reid
Songs are fantastic vehicles for expression and at their best have the ability to communicate to us the human experience.
I always have songs on the go but at certain points in time a list has assembled that insists on being completed by the accompaniment of fellow musicians and committed to recorded form.
I am a songwriter, singer, environmental activist and father of five years. In July I will release my third album called Luck/Hope of which I'm very proud. It has been a little while coming and in the ensuing time I've written a new collection of songs that we have an opportunity to record soon. We invite you to join us in making this new recording project possible.
The songwriter's trade has three basic disciplines - writing, recording and live performing. Each of these is an art form in itself.
Within the recorded mode three factors determine a successful work - the nature of the song, the skill of the performers and execution of the performance, and the art in the technical capture and rendering (production).
For the project at hand we have a dozen songs with which to play - and all of them feel worthy. Though not all will make the final collection. We have some wonderful musicians with whom to collaborate. Finally we have a marvellous engineer and producer in Nick Abbott whose availability is a catalyst for this moment.
Our plan is to assemble these parts in the simple setting of a house. My own humble home, being a somewhat ramshackle rental in West Auckland! Here we intend to make an intimate recording of these new songs.
Please join us in making this project possible. In helping to capture some beautiful music with fine musicians and present it back to you and the world in recorded form.
Thank you very much for your support!
"The escalating-in-excellence Steve Abel - equal parts disturbing and lullaby-esque. Sparse but dense, quiet but intense. Consummately relaxed danger."
- The Quietus UK: Daniel Ross
"Shimmering - one of the most perplexing and stirring efforts you will ever hear. This is extremely meaningful music."
- This Metal Sky UK: Jeff Thiesse
"In a community of poet troubadours."
- Nick Bollinger, RNZ
"Arrant musical hypnosis."
- William Dart
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