Reverie Short Film | Film
We are a team of young passionate filmmakers who are working on our next short film.
What is "Reverie" about?
"Reverie" is a short dramatic film about a young queer man who is faced with an unexpected stranger from his past and questions himself and his future life choices. This film focuses on representing and telling the stories of our Queer POC family within Aotearoa. We are currently in pre-production and our aim now is to get the funding needed to help bring this story to life.
Who is working on this Production?
WRITER AND DIRECTOR: Kartar Singh (He, Him. 21). Kartar is an artist and Screen Production major at AUT. His focus is representing and telling the stories of his Queer POC brothers and sisters within Aotearoa. “As not only do our stories deserve to be told but to be rightfully at the centrepoint of mainstream media”.
PRODUCER: Qianna Titore (20) is very passionate about telling stories and is very connected to her Maori culture. She has experience in writing and directing short films that have screened across New Zealand and overseas. She is challenging herself by taking on the role of Producer for the production of Reverie. She hopes to produce and share more stories all around the world.
CO-PRODUCER/PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Klara Hillebrandt (she/her. 21). Klara hopes to create stories that people will love, and feel emotionally attached to. She loves fantasy, superheroes, cats, Taylor Swift, and draws plenty of inspiration from the abnormal in life. She has experience in writing, and other creative endeavours and looks forward to creating this film.
Where is my money going?
Your contribution will help us towards Production cost as such:
- Talent – Paying our fantastic cast for their hard work.
- Transport – Getting everyone and everything there and back from each location in a safe and efficient way.
- Catering – Help supply fuel and energy for cast and crew during our few days of shooting.
- Promoting – After production and making the final cut, we want only the best for promoting our film. As well as paying enter fees for film festivals.
How can I help?
Any amount whether it’s great or small will be greatly appreciated. You can also go and show your support by giving us a like and follow on our social media platforms. Facebook: Reverie – SHORT FILM. Instagram: 2020_reverie
Thank you.
Jesse Ung
Darwin Linthicum
Ka mau te wehi! Looking forward to a excellent production.
David Charteris
Jasmine Kadio
You go bb ❤️
The Homans
Cant wait to see the film!
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