Give Us A Kick...
KickArts | Multi Discipline
KickArts needs a KICK…of the monetary kind…
KickArts is a weekly ARTS radio show which is broadcast Live to air on a Sunday 8pm - 930pm then available as a podcast to download.
The platform was established six years ago as a means of increasing the visibility of the ARTS in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland). In February this year the ownership of the platform went to the now co-producer/hosts Stephen and Emma.
Stephen and Emma kept the show on air during the COVID lockdown with remote interviews and since returning to the studio have developed the show to included voices from beyond Auckland via live to air phone interviews.
Whilst Planet FM is a community station and Stephen and Emma volunteer their time to run the show, we are required to pay a weekly broadcasting fee. As we are currently not a charitable trust access to funding is limited and at this time and current economic climate finding sponsors is also difficult. So now we are reaching out to you and asking for you to please help us out.
For some, you are ARTS makers and practitioners who listen to the show; have come on as guests to promote your projects or had us review or perhaps you’re a listener and KickArts fills your home on a Sunday night or is your choice of listening to download for your drive to work on a Monday morning...
So, help us stay on air - every $$$ helps.
Catherine Watkins
Paula and Poppy Aislabie
Helen Wigham
Meg Hargraves
Lisa Maclennan
Love you Emma 💖
Project Updates
Thanks to everyone...
Wow- we have been blown away by everyone’s support to date.
We’ve been informed by our amazing mentor at BOOSTED that projects that get to 33% in week one have in 99% of the time made their target!
so if you’ve seen our campaign and thought I should do that - Stephen and I urge you to do it now....
Project Owner

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