Veronika Sola | Visual Art
Who is Veronika?
I am visual artist who is interested in exploring human's inner workings and life’s deeper concepts through a variety of mediums. I regularly partner as a photographer with creative artists, brands, and publications and help them bring their vision to life.
You can view my work here.
What is Dreamland and why I'm doing it?
Dreamland is a multisensory, immersive experience inspired by observations of the sensuous beauty of flowers, the ebb and flow of nature, and the changes we face while journeying through life.
The idea for Dreamland has lived in my head for about 3 years. I’ve always wanted to create a show that sparks joy, inspiration, and acts as a space for contemplation, where people can dream a little - something that we all need after the current events.
The goal of Dreamland is to invite you to retreat from the everyday and explore the concept of change and dreams in an ethereal, contemplative space of light, moving image, scent and sound.
I've been very lucky to partner with Artweek Auckland and Elizabeth's (venue space) to bring this concept to live, however going into lock down #2 created a strain as my jobs were put on hold until later notice.
The ask.
To realise this project to its fullest potential I need your help. Dreamland needs to raise $2000 to aid the production of the show. Production costs include fabric sewing, plinth making, printing, mounting, marketing and website development to take Dreamland to new heights so that it can inspire more people. I would appreciate any financial contribution to create this show and elevate it to its full potential.
Final thoughts.
Art makes us come alive, brings us together, creates a conversation, it celebrates humanity and life. Imagine the world with no ART? Who will we be?
I feel like after this years events we need to celebrate life more than ever and my dream would be for this event to do just that - inspire, give you space to dream and spark joy.
Visit thisisdreamland.com to see what we have built so far, thank you to my kind friend Mark Gontarik for all his hard work on this!
I appreciate you taking your time to reading all the way here and many thank yous in advance if you will decide to fund dreamland in any way possible!!!
Uncle Dima
Jean Choi
Mary Brooks
Egor Petrov
Anastasia Naumova
So proud of you, my Soul Sister! Thanks for creating MAGIC!
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Veronika Sola
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