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Were Making Some Changes

For distribution
22 February 2019

We're Making Some Changes

The Arts Foundation has a proud history of supporting the arts. We’ve celebrated many remarkable artists and have many wonderful patrons as friends. It's time to go to the next level.

We’re gearing up to grow our community, have more impact and ensure that we have a sustainable future. With the support of arts and philanthropy consultants, Brown Bread, we’ve been taking a close look at trends, opportunities, and needs in the sector.

We found that the arts funding landscape is rapidly changing; we want to encourage more people to give towards a strong future for the arts in New Zealand. We do this with our crowd-funding platform, Boosted, but there’s room to do more. It’s time to make the case for supporting the arts, be more compelling and build on the great energy we’re seeing, to back artists to help New Zealand thrive.

The arts are changing too. We need to review our awards structure and make a deeper commitment to impact.

To build a new future, we are going to operate the Foundation differently. The operations of the Foundation will be managed by Brown Bread who intend to significantly grow the revenue base of the Foundation and engage new resource to help us better understand the needs of the arts sector. They will be based in Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland and report to the Arts Foundation Trustees.

Our Executive Director, Simon Bowden, has welcomed this change, yet he’ll also take this opportunity to persue another challenge. He will leave after a long period of great energy and service to the organisation and we’ll be celebrating that contribution in due course.

We will launch the new-look Foundation at the end of May 2019, once all the arrangements are in place.

About the Arts Foundation

Backing artists to make their mark. The Arts Foundation was established in 1998 to honour extraordinary New Zealand artists.