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The only explanation would be a translation: language is the food of a chief!" – Tāme Iti, 2022 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate
"Love. Mortality. Lifting weights in a graveyard with a woman so strong, she could crush a monkey's skull. A beautiful and thought-provoking addition to any elegant dinner party." – Hera Lindsay Bird, 2017 New Generation Award Recipient
"In this world / We walk on the roof of hell / Gazing at flowers. This was written by Kobayashi Issa, an 18th century Japanese poet who was one of the Four Grandmasters of Haiku. The typically minimalist verse reads as a starkly modern, even contemporary, meditation on our own precarious times, tiptoeing as we are between damnation and salvation. Perfect text for a placemat, no?" – John Reynolds, 2006 Arts Foundation Laureate
"This work, Honeyblur, was made many years ago, originally taking the form of a tukutuku panel. This digitised raranga is the instigator for Digital Marae, a photographic series of Maori atua and mareikura. Honeyblur is made from the colourful and energetic Hypergirls video starring Ani O'Neill & Lisa Reihana." – Lisa Reihana MNZM, 2014 Arts Foundation Laureate